Let Your Inner Child be Curious & Find Ways To Play With The Energy
Colour Mirrors USA
Rose Gold Pearl

Rose Gold Pearl

Regular price $55.00 Sale

Rose Gold Pearl

The Rose Gold is The One - the Queen of the set. This powerful lady exists so that we might connect with her in any of life's difficulties as her gift to us is to amplify love. She is the one who holds the strongest message of amplifying love, of loving things right.

In the magnificence of her power she knows the truth of unconditional love and acceptance of self, of what is and of every thing, event and particle of existence. She lives inside the heart of the rose. Her temple is a rose with each petal another level of love. She is the Divine Mother of the Divine. She is the total embodiment of love. To connect with her is to never be the same again. She will hold you in such love that you could never again comfortably fall into old negative patterns.

She will show you where you hold negativity and softly and with love she will help you remove it. If you are ready for her, you are ready for the highest initiation.