Rising Star 40 Strand DNA Activation - 21 Day Process 45 Min
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A full Rising Star 40 Strand DNA activation (see Rising Star 40 Strand DNA activation Sessions Tab for more information.) or below as well.
This activation will have you feeling refreshed, open to new possibilities and ready to take inspired action..
This process continues for 21 days balancing each of the 7 chakras for 3 days each beginning with the Crown Chakra.
What takes place in a Rising Star (RS) 40 Strand DNA Activation?
- We start with Tea Time (if via Skype bring your cup to the session). This time allows us to start grounding ourselves in the present moment.
- If in person we take a photo of you on your phone or I will have you take a selfie.
- Next I will check your chakras with the divine rod to see that they are balanced and if not then we will choose one of the Colour Mirrors essential oil spritzers to assist with that process and recheck the chakras.
- To begin session you lie you on a table if you are local or we have you lie on your bed if this is long distance.
- Next we bring in your angels, teachers and family or anyone else that would like to be with you for support.
- We set a positive intention and outcome for your session while I am using the BioGenesis healing tool..
- Next we proceed with the 45 minute Rising Star Activation clearing old generational patterns.
It is recommended that you schedule a total of at least 3 of the (RS) Activation's over a period of time to see greatest changes. - During this time as I lay my hands on each of your chakras I am clearing out old patterns, and blockages allowing for the healing and balancing of each chakra. I may receive messages and I may do some blessing and releasing of whatever issues may come up for you.
- I will take another picture of you or have you take a selfie and we will discuss the changes.
- We end the session with Tea Time to re-ground and integrate.
- Total time I ask people to allot 15 minutes on each side for preparation and integration in addition to the hour session.
- This is like peeling away the leaves of the Artichoke to get to the Heart of your "Inner Child."
- You will feel refreshed and see new possibilities.
- I will energetically check in on you over the next 21 days, and send emails with updates of what to look for and what to expect over the next 21 days.
For 3 days for each of the 7 chakras will be healing and balancing at a deeper level. - A final outcome bottle(s) either a (spritzer or dual essential oil) will be recommended for you to purchase and work with over the next 21 days to assist you on your journey.
The Rising Star Healing System is a sacred, ancient activation and holy healing modality recently reintroduced to humanity/planet in 2004 through a pure, undiluted, initiatory lineage passed down directly by the Ascended Masters to Derek O'Neill, a psychotherapist, Self-Realized Spiritual Master /Healer, and instrument of Divine energy from Ireland. Rising Star is a powerful next step to assist us with our transformation process. Some of the benefits from this new healing system include:
♥ Activate up to 40 strands of DNA
♥ Clearing genetic family karmic patterns 7 levels up & down
♥ Begin to Open the fourth Eye, The Master's Eye.
♥ Connect with your Higher Consciousness
Scientists has proven that everything is energy. With humans and animals, energy fields operate inside our bodies (chakra system) and outside our bodies (auric system). When our energetic vibration decreases, dis-ease and imbalance can occur on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.
The Rising Star is an extraordinarily powerful system sourced from an ancient Tibetan lineage. It works by directing energy through the client’s chakra system, working on the five elements; fire, water, air, earth and ether, so that your entire being can start to balance and heal. A single treatment starts to raises the vibration of the human energy field, to hold more life force energy, so it can rebalance the body.
The energy work continues after the session to clear the chakra and auric system for 21 days, moving through the 7 energy points (chakras) three times.
As such, 3 weeks between sessions is best. For optimal results, three sessions are recommended. Each session promotes deeper relaxation, allowing the mind to let go, so deeper issues can be addressed. Keep in mind, medical professionals should be consulted in all situations.
In Person or Remote /Skype Service | 60 minute Activation.