Let Your Inner Child be Curious & Find Ways To Play With The Energy
Colour Mirrors USA
Archangels, Angels Elements+ Dragons+Angel Codes & Symbols Class

Archangels, Angels Elements+ Dragons+Angel Codes & Symbols Class

Regular price $911.00 Sale

Now Available  

7 week 2-hour segments online or 

      12-week in 1-hour segments

Class held Weekly
= or 2 day in person training

Let’s connect with the most powerful Archetypal Energies as well as learn more about Angel Codes and Symbols and also introduction to the 5 Magical Beings.

It's a new year, let this be the year that you....

  • Move through Overwhelm and Confusion
  • Uncover a whole new mindset
  • Clear out old patterns and beliefs
  • Trust your intuition and insights
  • Be empowered to take action
  • And
  • Shine your light in the world 

That's what bringing in the energies of the Archangels, Angels, Elements and Dragons can do for you.

Join Debra for either a 2 Day in person Workshop or a 7 week or 12-week online workshop that will guide you through how to use the Spritzer Energy Bottles of the Archangels, Angels, Elements and Dragons from Colour Mirrors to bring in the support to make this a great new year!

Working through the focus of color, you will learn what each frequency offers us, whether Archangel, Angel or Dragon. Debra will introduce you to the lesser understood strength and power of Dragons. And when teamed with Archangels, or Angels, a whole new empowering resource is available for your life.

The 11 Angels + 5 Archangels bring gentle love and guidance to us, connecting us with our own Divine Knowing and assist us in clearing out old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve us. They show us we can safely trust our intuitions and insights.

The 10 Dragons allow us to review and release our history from this lifetime, and the influences of past lifetimes that we hold in shadow. History that keeps us fearful of allowing ourselves to shine our true light into the World.  Dragons insist We Get Things Done!!

Date: Set up a Time for yourself. 
Time: on Line in 2-hr sessions or 1-hr sessions 

Venue: on line

Cost: $911  + $ fees if paid using website
Bottles Available for purchase
$53..00 - Discount =$43.00
or any special for $64.50 -Discount $54.50 + Tax + Shipping

Must have at least one angel, dragon, element, friends of element and one archangel. one Magical Being

A Message from Debra Hubers Paradis about the class

Dear Friends,

In our fast paced, and technologically saturated, third dimensional world the idea of `Angels` or `Dragons` having much relevance in our daily lives seems hard to consider. However, if we pause to realize how the presence of such `beings` are active in our day to day lives anyway we could begin to better utilize their energy for our individual and collective benefit. If we approach them as already known Archetypal Energies, we will begin to see how alive and active they truly are.

Angels have been represented as a powerful archetype resource for `good` for thousands of years through all our known religious belief systems. They are recognized as messengers, protectors, and mediators to assist us in bridging a connection over our spiritual and third dimensional lives.

For the longest time we only had Metatron then 2018 four more Archangels joined the system. They support you in finding a way back to the truth at the core of your being.

Dragons as an archetype are deeply steeped in the ancient mythologies of the entire world, particularly in the Nothern, Celtic and African peoples. They are often depicted as Persecutors and Rescuers who must be slain or tamed. In Chinese mythology, they are associated with royalty and as such their powers could only be used by Emperors, and they are considered to have access to the gods.

Overall, Dragons represent an almost primordial influence in our lives. Dragons represent our `deep dark secrets and fears` that need to be overcome, they are our Shadow Selves, and the un-conscious mind. Dragons represent the `EARTH BELOW`. Alchemists traditionally used Dragon symbols in recording and documenting their work, and used them to keep /guard the secrets held there.

When we as humans connect consciously with these  most powerful Archetypal Energies and allow their presence in our daily lives we tap into an endless resource for self-knowledge and understanding. I invite you to join us on this weekend workshop to explore for yourselves your own connection and ability to fully utilize what these archetypal entities offer you.

Blessings, Debra