Let Your Inner Child be Curious & Find Ways To Play With The Energy
Colour Mirrors USA
G27 - Unity

G27 - Unity

Regular price $55.00 Sale

78. G27 - Unity (Diamond Clear / Diamond Clear)

The diamond clarity and shine of this bottle is a mirror that reflects all your colours, all your beauty,all your infinite light. It is the clearest truest mirror of who we really are and what you are about.

This is the light of Ascension made physical; this is the light body.

We are Divine light condensed into physical form having a human experience. All that we have ever been or ever will be is Divine Perfection. In remembering that, we can finally live our truth that we have never been separate from one another or from Source.

Finally we can live in the oneness our spirits have always known.

This is the light of Melchizedek, who has been the over-lighting energy of the system since the beginning.

Diamond Unicorn, with its perfect crystalline purity, grace and boundless love, is the perfect partner to this bottle, representing the Ether or spirit element which supports it.