Let Your Inner Child be Curious & Find Ways To Play With The Energy
Colour Mirrors USA
33. Love & Magic

33. Love & Magic

Regular price $55.00 Sale

33. Love & Magic (Pale Pink / Rose Pink)

Pink is the colour of unconditional love and self acceptance, and your ability to love yourself is your greatest gift or lesson. Love yourself and your whole universe will conspire to prove how right you are.

Venus watches over this bottle and comes in bringing gifts of love, magic, money and creativity.

33 is a master number that carries the vibration of harmony, romance and success. This is a divinely blessed time for anyone who relates to these colours. 

Everything we experience is only a reflection of what we believe we deserve. Change your mind about yourself and your whole reality will change.

In the pink you will find the road to tranquility and harmony in body, mind and soul.